Tuesday, March 27, 2012

St. Patty's Day & more

St. Patrick's Day cold coin Cake pops

Sprinkles galore!

Wow! It's been a LONG time since I last wrote but I have been busy with a new job and lots of playing with my daughter. I wanted to share with you what I created for St. Patty's day. I had an order for cake pops for a St.Patrick's day party, now I already knew I wanted to make gold coins so that is what I set out to do. I wanted to do a rustic flat coin so I made the shape and had all my items ready to do some tests (there is a reason you don't see the tests here), well the test did not turn out as well as I hoped. I was hoping that the shape would hold when I dipped them in the candy coating, well I was wrong, as I knew it they collapsed because the shape was so thin when I dipped them in the coating it fell apart, I could have made them thicker but it would just look weird.

       So I ended up just making your basic cake pop in a light yellow ( I mixed half white half yellow) candy coating, it turned out to be perfect because when I put them in the display they looked like gold coins anyway. I sprinkled a little Luster dust on them to make them look a little bit more shinny.
The party was a hit! and so were the cake pops!

Now the other picture you see is of some cake pops I made for my husbands work, it's a yellow cake with vanilla frosting dipped in a baby blue candy coating and sprinkled in flat sprinkles. I have some more cake pops coming so please look out for my next blog, until next time.